

Before Using The Atmasuddhiastrology.Com Website ("Website", "Service") Owned By Shyam Rituals & Astrology Service,

Please Read These Terms And Conditions ("Terms And Conditions", "Terms").


01. Our Principles

  • We strive to deliver the best possible service to our customers at Shyam Rituals & Astrology Service. We work for the glory of God, not for the sake of profit. As a result, if a client or customer believes or tries to falsify this concept, we may have difficulty supplying them. In that case, we would reimburse the client for the entire amount paid for the service.
  • We endeavour to deliver the client 100 percent or more effect at all times. As a consequence, we assess the muhurtha (time) and make necessary adjustments to the ceremonies. This is also communicated to the client.
  • If the customers persist in performing the ritual at the incorrect muhurtha despite our repeated explanations, we will issue a refund. If the client is dissatisfied, we demand an explanation from him or her.
  • If the explanation lacks moral grounding and proof, the dissatisfaction will be ignored. In addition, the customer is unable to request a refund. Clients who express their dissatisfaction and concerns more than two days after the ritual is completed and the recordings are received are not entitled for a refund.
  • If the customer cancels the homam and pooja less than 6 hours before the service is to be performed, Anjaneya Rituals & Astrology maintains the right to change the ceremony's date, time, and priests.
  • 02. Issues

  • Please contact us by email at support if you have any issues or questions about our privacy policies.

  • Call Our Astrologer Shyam Mobile / Whatsapp +91 9566041115

    I assure my best guidance and perfect remedy.
