

According to Hindu scriptures, our name, destiny, and life path
are all intertwined in Hinduism.


Name for Babies

call us : +91 95660 41115

As per the Hindu scriptures our name, destiny and life path is connected. That is why Indians created numerology to find the right name. We get the birth details of the baby. We cast the horoscope and find the syllable. Also we check the strong planet to determine the name number and the syllable of the nakshatra.

You can do it online by selecting the baby's name. We will send you the list of 20 names. You can also share your preferred names. Numerology analysis of the baby's name will be done after adding either surname or initial. Numerology report will be sent to you along with the video prediction in WhatsApp. The procedure will be the same if you meet the astrologer in person

Numerology Name Alignment

Numerology for Adults

call us : +91 95660 41115

Name alignment with horoscopes is needed to bring the best. Rahul Gandhi's name is pappu. Still everyone calls him pappu. That is why he is not able to make it into power. So for adults, calling names is important. Similarly is the individual names. We check the names with that of the strong planet in the horoscope to make your life strong

For instance if you have rahu and moon in the horoscope and if you keep the moon's names, then your life will have a lot of upheavals. So our way of finding the right name is different. We will use your natal chart to analyse your name and get the correct name.

Numerology report will be sent to you along with the video prediction in WhatsApp. The procedure will be the same if you meet the astrologer in person

Right Business Name

Numerology Name for Business

call us : +91 95660 41115

Using numerology to select the right business name is the first step towards business success. We will be using the horoscope of the Owner of the business. If need be we also will check the person who is going to run the business.

If you are going to have a partnership business then we will analyse the horoscope of all the partners pick up the strong planets and will align the name accordingly.

Numerology report will be sent to you along with the video prediction in WhatsApp. The procedure will be the same if you meet the astrologer in person

Products & Pricing



Name for New Born Babies, Adults & Name for Business

₹ 500 /- Starting



We offer both Online and Offline Vastu Consultations

₹ 2500 /- Starting



Astrologer Shyam is directly now available to you through online reading

₹ 500 /- 15 Minutes

Call Our Astrologer Shyam Mobile / Whatsapp +91 9566041115

I assure my best guidance and perfect remedy.